Abundant Life Program

Bigger Vision’s Abundant Life program is designed to help those in homelessness seeking to obtain GED education, certified job skills training, and those in homelessness who are currently employed. This program provides a sustainable housing environment without need for daily call-ins.

We host a weekly information session about the Abundant Life Program on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Those who attend will learn about the different programs we are partnered with, be able to ask any questions, and will leave with the next steps necessary to join the program.

Attending an information session and getting accepted to any particular program does not guarantee acceptance into Abundant Life. Those who are accepted into Abundant Life are required to follow all Guest Rules and also to adhere to the Abundant Life Agreement.

Certified Job Skills Training in the following:

Automotive Collision Repair
Automotive Technology
Certified Nursing Assistant
Healthcare Access
Heating and Air Conditioning
Welding Technology

To schedule an informational meeting, please provide your name and email below.

Emergency Shelter Program

Bigger Vision’s Emergency Shelter Program seeks to provide a safe and comfortable place for those in homelessness in Athens, GA. We do this by providing a fair and equal opportunity to stay each night via a call-in system that is held at 4:00 pm each day. Guests receive a homemade meal, showers or laundry on an alternating schedule, a comfortable bed to sleep on, as well as breakfast in the morning.

Guests are able to call-in each day at 4:00 pm to obtain shelter for a maximum of 180 days between November 1st and October 31st of the following year. Once a guest has reached 180 stays, they will be eligible to re-enter the Emergency Shelter Program on November 1st of that year.

Note: Guests must call-in at 4:00 pm to reserved a bed each night. Calling-in does not guarantee a bed for the night. Those who have maxed out their 180 days in the Emergency Shelter Program are still eligible for acceptance into Abundant Life and able to stay during Overflow Operations.

How to participate?

Call (706) 340 - 6062 ext. 2 at 4:00 pm daily to reserve a bed for that evening

Guests Handbook

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© Bigger Vision of Athens 2016